​"Our bodies are capable of absorbing only a portion of what we consume. Whether it's high quality organic foods, or junk food or isolated nutritional supplements, we are only capable of partial absorption. This has led us to various deficiencies in the body that can eventually cause disease. It has given us an opportunity to develop responsible technology, creating bio-enhancing nutritional absorption by the body of nutrients in Prodigy-5. We are now able to fill the "gap" where the body would once lose portions of nutrition and allow the body to absorb and achieve maximum benefits. I believe this to be one of the highest levels of accomplishment in the area of nutrition today.” - Adam Saucedo, M.D.

​Prodigy 5 delivers a new TransArmor™ bio-enhancing technology that provides nutrition and energy at the highest level of absorption to our body’s cells:

  • Bioenergetic properties
  • Increased gastrointestinal blood supply and reduces hydrochloric acid secretion
  • Stimulation of y-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activity
  • Cholagogues effect
  • Thermogenic and bioenergetics properties
  • Inhibition of gastric emptying time, gastrointestinal transit
  • Inhibition of nutrient metabolizing enzymes and suppression of first pass metabolism
  • Modifications in GIT epithelial cell membrane permeability
Az eredeti Powerstrips fejlesztőjének, Dr. Minsoo Kim legújabb tapasz fejlesztésére váltottunk:
Nagyobb hatékonyság, jobb ár, megbízhatóbb szállítás!


We have changed! More efficiency, better price, more reliable delivery!
We've switched to the latest product from the original Powerstrips developer, Dr. Minsoo Kim: BEPIC - ALLEVI8 PRO

Wir haben uns verändert! Mehr Effizienz, besserer Preis, zuverlässigere Lieferung!
Wir haben auf das neueste Produkt des ursprünglichen Entwicklers von Powerstrips, Dr. Minsoo Kim, umgestellt: BEPIC - ALLEVI8 PRO

Мы изменились! Больше эффективности, лучше цена, надежнее доставка!
Мы перешли на новейший продукт от оригинального разработчика Powerstrips, доктора Минсу Кима: BEPIC - ALLEVI8 PRO

Nous avons changé ! Plus d'efficacité, un meilleur prix, une livraison plus fiable !
Nous sommes passés au dernier produit du développeur original de Powerstrips, le Dr Minsoo Kim : BEPIC - ALLEVI8 PRO

Siamo cambiati! Più efficienza, prezzo migliore, consegna più affidabile!
Siamo passati all'ultimo prodotto dello sviluppatore originale di Powerstrips, il Dr. Minsoo Kim: BEPIC - ALLEVI8 PRO

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